Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Pilates Instruction And The Hidden Secrets

When we think of Pilates Instruction we imagine people holding and moving through various poses; working their bodies through a well-balanced sequence of exercises. Most people are well aware of all the physical benefits regular Pilates training can bring, but often forget (or aren't aware) of some of the other, hidden, benefits which are just as important.

Joseph Pilates always intended that his exercise system was to be holistic and was to work not only the body but the mind as well.

If Pilates exercises are to be done well they require smooth and controlled movement, great concentration and synchronisation between movement and breath. All these aspects require you to become "mindful"; not by mistake has Pilates been called the "Thinking Person's Exercise". You cannot do Pilates well if you just throw your body about like you would in an aerobics class. You need to concentrate on what is going on within your body so that you can first learn to activate and then control your deep stabilising muscles.

This deep concentration has another hidden side effect that good Pilates instructors are well aware of. If you are concentrating very deeply to execute a Pilates exercise in perfect form there can be no room in your mind for anything else. Your mind is forced to cease its endless chatter as it focuses on the challenge at hand. This in turn causes your mind to relax and to "forget" (for a short time) about all the other things that were stressing you before the class started like "Did I lock the front door?", "Is my boss going to fire me?", "Does my bum look big in this tracksuit?". You get the idea.

Most people have lost the ability to relax their minds, even for a few seconds .Even when they are sleeping, the stresses of the day, week or year seep through causing them to sleep restlessly, toss and turn, have nightmares, and wake up feeling more tired than they did when they went to bed! This in turn has a knock-on effect the following day as more and more stress is piled upon them.

I soon became aware of this sometimes hidden benefit when my clients started to tell me that the night after a Pilates class they slept like babies and woke up refreshed the following morning.

The Pilates class was not only exercising the body, but was allowing the mind to relax and "vent" some of the stress that had been building up during the day. When we consider how many people stress kills every year, anything that can help you to reduce your stress levels (even if it's only for an hour) has to be a good thing.

I'm discovering over time more and more hidden benefits to regular Pilates training and I'm grateful to the man whose genius invented this fantastic exercise system.

Thank you Joseph Hubertus Pilates.

Imagine living life with a body that is free of aches and pains a body that is straight and strong, that's the promise of doing regular Pilates exercise. I'll show you how Pilates has made me stronger, fitter and more flexible than when I was much younger and how it could do the same for you.

If you would like to learn more about the hidden secrets of Pilates then visit my Free Pilates Exercises website and make a start towards that new you today.

Robert E Bartram is a qualified Pilates Instructor.

Pilates Instruction

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