Wednesday 31 January 2007

Marked for termination!


Hmm the terminator doing Pilates not an image I want in my head!

The following article highlights an important point. Many overweight people when they first start exercising injure themselves badly enough during the first 4 weeks of training that they are forced to stop. It has been my experience that even 10 mins on the treadmill can be to much for some people. Why? Because their core stability is so weak they don't have a stable enough platform to perform the exercise(s) safely.

The answer is to strengthen your core and stability muscles first by practicing a discipline like Pilates and then combine it with Cardio and Strength training.

This way you get the best of all worlds and are much less likely to injure yourself.

All the best,


Perhaps The Terminator should switch to Pilates. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has set the standard for fitness while occupying the California Governor's Office, also has had some high-profile injuries.

Don't terminate exercise routine -- just do it carefully - Orlando Sentinel : Health Medicine

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