Thursday 1 February 2007

Demi Moore and Pilates


Demi Moore has ditched her punishing exercise regime. Apparently she used to train up to six tmes a day and perform hundreds of crunches. She now accepts she needs to treat her body with more care. She says, "Now I do brisk walking as it has less impact on the bones. I also do Pilates to stretch and elongate the muscles, and some light weights."

The nice thing about Pilates training is you can do it at any age. Because it is very low impact you are not going to do yourself any harm. As we get older it becomes more important we consider carefully how much damage our exercise regime is doing to our body.

Pilates can only do us good it strengthens our bodies from within, makes us feel good, relaxes us and on top of all that it's fun too.

All the best,



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2007-01-30 05:13:14
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