Sunday 4 February 2007

Can Pilates work miracles?


A client of mine (we'll call her Mary), came up to me after class and said "I don't think this Pilates stuff is working for me. I don't feel any difference." Now Mary is a fairly new client of mine and has been to 2 classes in the space of 3 weeks. The thing is, Pilates is good. Very good. But not that good! Even God Himself took 6 days to create the to expect results straight away is a trifle unrealistic. I pointed out to Mary that it had taken a lifetime of poor posture and the bearing of two kids to reduce her body to this state, and it would take a little while to reverse it! Can Pilates work miracles? Yes but not by Tuesday!
Pilates is a way of life. Its principles need to be incorporated into everything you do, from bending down to pick up a toothbrush or putting your child into a car seat to walking and all the other normal activities of daily life. If you practice Pilates regularly and follow these principles, then after a while they will become second nature and you won't remember a time when you didn't engage your deep stomach muscles and bend your knees to pick up that box from the floor. You also won't remember a time when your back hurt to do it because you'll have developed a stronger, leaner and fitter body that is better prepared for the rigours of real life. Now wouldn't that be a miracle?

All the best,


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