Thursday 1 February 2007

Cyber Dinosaur!

I suppose this is like a cyber Notice Board. Cool idea. I get the hang of these “techie” ideas eventually!
Several millennia after everyone else.
So to all you cyberdudes out there reading this…
I admit it – I’m a cyber-Dinosaur!!

But I’m one hell of a Pilates instructor…….

And where Pilates is concerned, I practice what I preach. So any tips, ideas and exercises I give you have been used on real people with real lives and real problems!

Yesterday, one of my long-time clients, Jayne, brought me an exercise sheet that she’d been given by the physiotherapist she periodically goes to see. And guess what?

Yep, every exercise on that sheet are ones that we do in class regularly!

Bottom line? This stuff works. But you’ve got to stick to it. No use just doing the exercises a few times and giving up. It’s got to become part of your life – just like brushing your teeth. And with the exercises I’ve got lined up for you, it won’t take much longer that that.


All the best,


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