Sunday 11 February 2007

Pilates can reduce the BMI of young girls


This is an interesting abstract detailing the effects of 4 weeks of Pilates on the BMI of of 30 eleven-year-old girls.
The conclusion? "The girls enjoyed Pilates, and participation for 4 weeks lowered BMI percentile. Pilates holds promise as a means of reducing obesity".

Now as a Pilates Instructor, this result is very interesting. I know that doing Pilates will burn some calories, but it can hardly be classed as high intensity aerobic exercise! I always recomend my clients do Pilates, aerobic AND strength training exercises if fat loss is their primary goal. So why did the girls' BMI go down? Answer? Because they were doing SOMETHING that got their muscles moving!
It just goes to prove what I've always believed. Get people to do ANY exercise consistantly and they can expect results. Make a change and you'll get a change!
You have to get off the couch! Now! So what are you waiting for? Get up and do something (and remember to include Pilates in your programme for optimal results :)

All the best,


ScienceDirect - Preventive Medicine : Effect of 4 weeks of Pilates on the body composition of young girls

Effect of 4 weeks of Pilates on the body composition of young girls

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