Thursday, 15 March 2007

Cardiolates sounds like a new coffee!


Hmm...have a read of this latest article entitled "cardiolates" and see what you think. Personally, my jury is out on this one. Rebounding, which is jumping to the beat on a mini trampoline is indeed an excellent calorie-burner, and 500 kcals an hour is about right. Although I think you'd have to be fitter than Paula Radcliffe to do it for an hour. I've taken the Urban Rebounder Instructor course, and it nearly did me in! Made me realise I was nowhere near as fit as I thought! Excellent course, and they insisted on good posture for all the moves, but combining this with Pilates? Dunno!
But, hey...I'm as open-minded to new ideas as the next anally retentive, posture-obsessed Anorak! What I say me the DVD and I'll give you my opinion...!

All the best,


Cardiolates helps burn 500 calories per hour, corrects posture - Turkish Daily News Mar 15, 2007

The latest craze in the fitness world is cardiolates. The new workout is a cross between cardio and pilates. It is both fun and helps burn 400-500 calories per hour. We researched everything you need to know about this new exercise…

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