Thursday 1 March 2007

My husband Bob has passed his Pilates Matwork exam


At last my husband Bob has passed his basic Pilates Matwork qualification!
I now have someone I trust to cover my classes in case I'm off work sick.
He is now getting in his supervised hours under my watchful gaze lol. No mercy! Conversations in our house are getting very animated as he has his own ideas on how a Matwork Class should be run.

It has made me think, and in some cases re-evaluate some of my own teaching practices and style. Like anything else in life that we strive to be good at, we need to be constantly learning and adding to our skills. Pilates is no different. If we don't question what we do, how will we ever improve?

So although it's adding a lot more work for me at the moment bringing my husband "up to speed", it has refreshed my own knowledge and given me some valuable insights about how I can improve my own teaching.

Well done Bob!

All the best,


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